Wednesday 11 October 2006

Knit 1 Purl 1

Here is the current status of the scarf I am knitting for ********* (can't say the name..just in case) It is for a man, and mum says it is better to knit one, purl one, knit one, purl one. Th wool is from Australia, and a friend of my brothers hand dyes the wool, it is lovely to knit with. Wow, this is taking a long time to knit up. I am using size 4 needles? maybe 5 at the most..... Normally I make scarves with fluffy wool on size 8-10 needles. They knit up really quickly. I can whip up a fluffy scarf in 2 nights. In an evening, I can knit about 3 inches of this current scarf if I am lucky! I hope I can get it finished by Xmas. 

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