Friday 19 January 2007

Reversible Quilts

I pulled this book from the shelf the other day, and reread it. Reversible Quilts, by Sharon Pederson.  I think it will be a great way to use up all those strips of wadding that are too narrow to use in a quilt (I don't like to join wadding, unless I absolutely have to). Also a great way to use up some of the 1 1/4, and 1 1/2" strips that I keep in boxes, that I cannot bear to throw out. So, I cut out lots of 10" square pieces of wadding, also 5x7" wadding squares for Artist Trading Cards (to be done at a much later date), and got the strips out,ready to sew. Phil watched the soccer the other night, and sorted out all the strips into colour groups for me! Thanks Phil! I have started to sew some up, when I only have 20 minutes, and I don't want to start the next part of the current quilt I have going. So far, I have these squares hanging on my curtains. These will be on one side of the quilt, and I am going to piece blocks, then quilt then on the other side of the block. I am still working on what to do on the other side, but for the time being, this is therapeutic, and I can relax whilst still sewing something! Once they are complete, I will cut then down to 9" squares,and work out how I am going to arrange them. Looking at how many strips I have got, this looks like an on going yearly project!

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