Saturday, 25 September 2010

Letzte Strickttreffung....fur jetzt

 It was with great sadness that I attended my last Berlin Knit meet up on a Friday.

I will miss you all, and hope that we will be able to meet up again in the near future, whether that is in Berlin, or hopefully you will come and visit me in Melbourne, Australia.

My wonderful friends surprised me with an adorable present, a game of memory, so I won't forget them, and our fun Friday's together!  There are 2 of each card!  You all made me teary! I love them and look at them often!
I miss you all already!

Monday, 13 September 2010

Tropical Breeze Socks, Toe Up...FAIL!

Pattern: Tropical Breeze, from Toe Up Techniques for Hand Knit Socks, by Janet Rehfeldt
Wool: Tausendschön Handgefärbte Sockenwolle
Needles: 2.5mm

too big (suit larger feet than mine)
colour, too lairy 
cast off. too tight!

I think they will be unravelled and turn into something else, it was worth a try.

We are back in Melbourne now, after flying out of Berlin and spending 2 weeks in Africa, and a week in Mauritus. We are now hanging out in self contained apartments waiting for our furniture to arrive.